Whoa Nelly, I’d better finish up this trip diary before little miss thing arrives and takes over the blog.
So we reached the bottom, were awarded our certificates of completion, thanked our guide, and hit the road.
It was hard to decide if we should eat or shower first. We went with washing the stink off, and checked into “Borneo Backpackers.” It was a dorm-style accommodation, perfectly suited for weary hikers.

The look of a freshly showered man.
The view from the roof of Borneo Backpackers.
After a hot shower for most of us (tricky energy conserving shower operation!), we hit the road for dinner. We went with the Lonely Planet Guide suggestion and stopped at a Chinese establishment, which is famous for its display of live fish in tanks where you point and choose what you want for dinner. We paid tourist prices, but it was a good meal.

Fish (the whole thing)

Coconut milk
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