It's not technically winter yet according to the calendar, but she decided to blow in anyway last week, and wow is it chilly out! I'm saying goodbye to autumn by posting this photo from our hike with the Georges and Roehms last month. There are still a good number of leaves on the ground, though, and today I had the joy of watching a rather burly thirty-something year old man, out with a bunch of his guy friends, skipping through a pile of fluffy dry leaves. He had a huge grin on his face, half prepared for the ridicule of his friends and half sheer joy of the moment. It was awesome.
Fall in New England
It's not technically winter yet according to the calendar, but she decided to blow in anyway last week, and wow is it chilly out! I'm saying goodbye to autumn by posting this photo from our hike with the Georges and Roehms last month. There are still a good number of leaves on the ground, though, and today I had the joy of watching a rather burly thirty-something year old man, out with a bunch of his guy friends, skipping through a pile of fluffy dry leaves. He had a huge grin on his face, half prepared for the ridicule of his friends and half sheer joy of the moment. It was awesome.
Life boils down to two questions.

Should we get a dog?
Or should we have kids?
Wendy - after nearly a week, this fwd still makes me laugh, so I have to pass it along. I also want to applaud the parents that had the clarity of mind to take this picture.

I know some of you are wondering about hidden meaning in this post. Sorry to say there is no implication here, but I look forward to the day I can answer one or both of these with a yes. After all, who wouldn't want one of these smiling characters to teach you how to enjoy life all over again?
A Niece
We Voted!

The line was 15 minutes long. It impressed me that people were definitely making the effort to vote. Despite the fact that we're a rather predicatable state, there are a few important questions on the ballot: state income tax, marijuana penalties, and greyhound racing. Election day is exciting! I can't wait for the outcome, although I don't think I can stay up that late. What surprised me, though, was that Massachusetts votes on paper while Texas votes on computers! (Go Texas!) Up here you fill in the box with a pen. This is nice in that we as a nation can put those "no child left behind" skills to work. Well, now off for my free Starbucks!
Med School Mini-Reunion
The grand finale of October visiting came with a visit from Chris & Rebekah Georges. I was so happy that they picked Boston for his birthday celebration. They came all the way from San Antonio. Our friends Corrie and Robert Roehm couldn't resist freeing up the weekend and driving up from Hartford, CT. We pretty much maxed out our capacity at the Hardy Inn, and it was great fun to have everyone together again. Rebekah, Corrie, and I joined a prayer group with about seven other girls from our medical school class. The three of us were newlyweds by the end of our first year, so with that common thread we spent many of our Fridays cooking dinner for six. October has such amazing weather and foliage, that it was great to be "forced" to get out of the house and explore once again. All six of us piled into Ricky's car and headed to Mt. Cardigan in NH. (I highly recommend this hike!) Unfortunately, it was a nasty day, so we had no view, but Chris & Rebekah kindly insisted they were just as happy with the adventure of hiking into a cloud. After showing off our church on Sunday, Chris & Rebekah treated us to a ride on the duck boats. Thanks Georges! The captain was a wealth of information, and it was a beautiful day. We topped it all off with a trip to the North End for coffee and dessert. Yum! Thanks for visiting friends!
Head of the Charles

This is one of my favorite Boston events of the year. It consists of two consecutive days of non-stop rowing. The boats start releasing at 8 AM and don't stop until 5 PM. I just think it's awesome that there are so many rowers out there. They've worked so hard to get to this point, and I get to watch the beauty of the sport (without the pain). The weather was beautiful too. Yet again, Ricky and I had the opportunity for visiting, this time, family.
Surprise Joe!
Joe and Kelly Hornberger have this great family tradition of taking trips together to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays, rather than buy something. This is the second time in a row that Boston has won the appeal of celebration-worthy. Not only did we get to spend the weekend with friends arriving right on our doorstep, but we had an excuse to splurge on a Cape Cod vacation. It never would have occurred to me to head to the Cape in October, but it's a beautiful time of year. The weather was amazing, and the crowds were very much subdued. We stayed at "A Little Inn on Pleasant Bay" and spent much of our free time biking and consuming New England delicacies (ice cream and seafood). Thanks for coming!
Happy Birthday Big Ricky and Little Hardy

October 2nd marks the birthday of both Ricky's dad and our only nephew (yet!), Hardy. So after Scott's wedding, we zoomed across town to Hardy's birthday party at Gymboree. We caught the tail end of the cake eating, which featured blue icing smeared all over the faces of a bunch of two year olds. In my heart, I wanted to join them. I had never been to a Gymboree, but the kids were crazy about it. There were so many bright colors, climbing objects and soft things to land on. I watched Hardy practice going up the stairs, down the stairs and over and over again, getting a kick out of it each time. Hardy has grown so much. He's obsessed with Thomas the tank engine (and friends), and is so proud of his new skills, like walk-running around the house, which he also did over and over and over. I love this picture of him checking out his super cool shadow.
Introducing Scott & Palm Feist
Okay, so this post is about a month late. October was full of traveling, visiting, and celebration. We had the gift of time and the means to participate, which was awesome, but we're just starting to get organized in the aftermath. The kick off was Scott Feist's wedding on October 4th. Scott found himself a lovely woman, and together they planned a beautiful wedding. Scott was Ricky's roommate at Rice for all 4 years. The wedding gave us a great excuse to get down there and bore the added bonus of seeing family and tons of friends. Congratulations Scott & Palm!
I took far too many study breaks today, but the result is that I get to share the following with you:
Red Sox
While our family was being chased out of Houston by Hurricane Ike, Ricky and I were "suffering" through a Red Sox game. (The Texas faction was actually doing quite well and enjoying some family bonding in Palestine.) Ricky had landed some sweet tickets from a tennis buddy at face value...AND behind home plate. This stadium sets records for consecutive sold-out games, so tickets are almost always at a big mark-up, i.e. Ricky scored a deal worthy of making Big Rick proud. The downer of the event, of course, was losing an embarassing 8-1, but you can't beat sitting this close. Check out Rice's very own David Aardsma (we're rooting for you buddy!) and the New England Clam Chowder! Please come visit us and give us an excuse to go back!
The Bean is 4 weeks old!
I love to visualize things...which makes it good that I chose pathology for the career. Now I'm visualizing The Kelber Bean by these awesome developments: now about 1/2" long and currently starting to work on formation of the lungs, jaw, nose, and palate.
Breaking The News

It was my privilege to help break the news to my dear dad that he is soon to be a grandpa! BEFORE any of you get excited that the yankee hardys have news of their own, please review the previous post...we Bonner sisters are thus far entering this monumental life stage according to age. Getting to the is my big sis that's providing a warm comfy home for something I like to call "The Bean." I like this name because the bean is only 3 weeks past becoming a diplotype! (nerd humor for sperm meets egg) Anywho, dad was the last to know because Julie played it all to cool on his voicemail, and he thought he could wait for the weekend to give the call back. During this interim eternity during which everyone else knew the news, we began devising backup plans for the news broadcast. Julie thought of flowers, and I offered the delivery. Now there is something inherently different about telling your dad news like "I'm pregnant," but judging by the picture, it looks like he's happily ready to fill that special elbow nook once again (perhaps while also giving some granfatherly advice).
A New Blog
My sister Julie and her husband Jonathan created their very own blogspot for an extra special occasion.
Ipswich & Plum Island
As part of my effort to show Ricky all (or most) of New England while we have the chance, I brought him to the North Shore of Massachusetts. It is known for its seafood, both fried clams and fresh haddock, and is a major fishing port (ever read 'A Perfect Storm'). I have never explored Ipswich, Newburyport or Plum Island myself, so it was adventure for me as well. Ipswich is home of the "Clam Box," a famous and popular place for fried clams, scallops, lobster rolls and other artery-clogging delights. We waited in line nearly one hour as they changed out the fry oil (15-30 min)...doesn't that whet your appetite. It was a good, but 'cmon, what kind of person gets a sunburn waiting in line for her fried food? With bloated bellies, we moved on to Plum Island, a bird sanctuary, with a very nice, long beach, and cold cold water. Ricky said it was reminiscent of Galveston Island, which stings a bit (I say the zoning is WAY better but agree it's got nothing on the Florida panhandle). It turned out to be a great place for a bike ride (oops, the one time we left those suckers at home), so we drove the strip and headed back to the mainland. Newburyport is an adorable town that true to New England form offered deliciously creamy homemade ice cream. Not bad for a Sunday afternoon.

A Happy Crash

I have been handed down the shutterbug starting with grandpa Johnson, passing through my mom and dad and now me! The digital revolution has made learning all the faster, cheaper, and more thrilling. Anyhow, during our week of hiking I was psyched to take some photos of the White Mountains...such an easy subject for impressive photos, even on a gray day! We bought this new compact tripod to capture ourselves as well, but in the process of setting up the stubborn thing, I managed to drop our camera on the rocks and break the screen! Ricky didn't cringe for a second, and we soon started talking about upgrading...awesome husband, I know! Less than a week later, my early birthday present arrived in the mail. How sweet is this?! I'm beginning my new Nikon School of Photography (the free home version) this weekend, so from here out, if my photographs stink, you have only me to blame.
The White Mountains
Linds and I just got back from a relaxing vacation in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Lindsay's father let us stay in his lake house for the week. I will try to summarize the highlights...
Oreo ice cream, 20 mile bike ride, Mt. Tecumseh hike, Boston Celtics Champs!, lobster roll, tornado ice cream, 20 mile bike ride, Mt. Osceola hike, The Hulk, amazing roast beef sandwich, 20 mile bike ride, Pride and Prejudice, Mt. Lincoln and Lafayette hike, Sydney's excited pirouettes, John burping, Jen K. crop dusting, oreo ice cream, baked haddock with crab topping, chocolate explosion ice cream, outlet mall shopping, amazing veggie sandwich.
Oreo ice cream, 20 mile bike ride, Mt. Tecumseh hike, Boston Celtics Champs!, lobster roll, tornado ice cream, 20 mile bike ride, Mt. Osceola hike, The Hulk, amazing roast beef sandwich, 20 mile bike ride, Pride and Prejudice, Mt. Lincoln and Lafayette hike, Sydney's excited pirouettes, John burping, Jen K. crop dusting, oreo ice cream, baked haddock with crab topping, chocolate explosion ice cream, outlet mall shopping, amazing veggie sandwich.
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